Sexuality: What erotic fantasies reveal about you

Sex with the boss or threesomes: erotic fantasies and what they reveal about you

Sexual fantasies can be an expression of unresolved conflicts

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The mysterious stranger, a threesome, bondage? Each of us carries secret sexual fantasies within us. Here you can find out what our most intimate thoughts say about us.

By Linda Berger

This text first appeared here

Our imagination is the icing on the cake of our lives. Everything that seems unattainable in reality, we can easily do and leave in our dream world. This also applies to sex. But sexual fantasies in particular usually have a deeper level. For example, they can be an expression of unresolved conflicts.

Psychologists result in sexual fantasies, our small, very private Neverland, in which we experience sexual experiments without limits, judgment and above all shame and can process real problems in these mind games. That means: by questioning ourselves and finding out what our fantasies mean, we can articulate needs and desires and overcome fears.

1. Like meets like: sex with a woman

turns you on Understandable, after all we women are particularly beautiful beings. Maybe you’re just fed up with men right now. At the same time, the female body is particularly familiar to you. Of course, that doesn’t have to mean that you’re a lesbian, but maybe a tiny bit bi, or just curious.

2. A brisk multiple

Clearly you long for admiration. Sexual fantasies with several men indicate that you want more attention. You are probably more exhibitionistic than introverted and enjoy having power over others. At the same time, you dream of being taken care of. No question: you need confirmation.

3. Submission and Dominance

The longing for power or submission is often rooted in our everyday lives. Maybe you have to make difficult decisions every day, you constantly carry a lot of responsibility and you are the one who makes the decisions in the end. So it’s no wonder that you long to finally give up these controls and leave them to others. The principle works the same way the other way around. In everyday life you are the one who always adapts, over whom others decide, in your erotic fantasies you want to be the one who dominates others. As long as these games are fun for both sides, they can of course be acted out at any time.

4. Sex in the locker room

Does the idea of ​​doing it in unusual places excite you? Does the thought of getting caught turn you on? Then maybe there is a desire for more freedom behind it. After all, in public places we have to behave ourselves, stick to the rules and at best just don’t cross borders. You rebel against all this with sex in public.

5. Uniform that turns you on

The sexy police officer, the hot doctor, hot firefighters or smart pilots: the main thing is in uniform! If these gentlemen get your imagination running wild, you may have a problem with authority or simply crave a protector. And hey, who better than a man in a handsome uniform.

6. The desk number with the boss

Clearly: If you like your boss, you just want to get off to a good start professionally. Sounds logical doesn’t it?

7. Who’s that Guy? sex with a stranger

You want adventure, passion, uncompromising and without consequences. Does the idea of ​​sex with a stranger turn you on? Then you are probably bored with your everyday life and you feel like breaking out of boundaries.

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