Sex Pistols singer:Johnny Rotten on caring for his ailing wife

In the star-Interview, Sex Pistols singer Johnny Rotten, godfather of punk rock, talks about his German wife Nora, the secret of a 44-year marriage and why he sees himself as a “born nurse”.

Thank you for getting up so early for our interview.
It’s all ok. I usually get up earlier. At six o’clock.

Oh, why is that? That’s not really punk.
Ah, I like seeing the first twinkle of sunlight in the morning. I like the stillness and the freshness of the air at this time. I can think more clearly with no human activity around me. So I go to bed at 8 p.m. Well, I usually watch TV until midnight.

Can you think of the best tunes early in the morning?
That would be too romantic a thought. No, ideas for new songs just pop into my head. Like someone else stuck it in me. My brain is constantly spinning, almost neurotic.

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