Sex, Alcohol and Drugs: What’s and isn’t Allowed in San Francisco’s Robot Taxis

After a general driver’s license
Sex, Alcohol and Drugs: What’s and isn’t Allowed in San Francisco’s Robot Taxis

The cruise cars roll through the streets of San Francisco as fully automatic taxis

© Cruise / Manufacturer

In San Francisco, autonomous taxis are now allowed to operate during the day. In night operation, the passengers have long since tested the limits of the offer – including sex in the back seat.

It is a breakthrough for autonomous driving: According to an official decision, the two driverless taxi offers Waymo and Cruise in San Francisco are now able to offer their services during the day, despite strong opposition from residents and rescue workers. The previous test operation, which was only limited to nights, brought important insights not only to the operators. The passengers also extensively tested the limits of the driverless car.

The “San Francisco Standard” reports in a detailed piece. According to the local newspaper, many take advantage of the absence of a chaperone in the form of a driver to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or marijuana in the cars – and even have sex.

“No one tells you not to do that”

“We got in and started making out right away,” 20-something Megan told the newspaper. “One thing led to another and he made sure I got my money’s worth, if you will.” Megan is not alone. The newspaper spoke to four people who have been to the point of consummate sex in Cruise’s autonomous taxis.

A study from 2018 had already predicted that this would happen. More self-driving cars would also mean more people will have sex in cars, the study, published in a journal for tourism research, explained. It is even conceivable that the cars would be used for sexual services, according to the study. “A sort of Amsterdam red light district, just on the go.”

No clear ban

“I mean, nobody tells you not to do that,” jokes Alex, who, according to the newspaper, has allegedly had sex in the cars several times. Interestingly, that actually seems to be the case. Questions from the newspaper to Cruise and its competitor Waymo, which belongs to the Google group Alphabet, as to whether sex is allowed in the cars did not receive a direct answer. Cruise only pointed out that one should not do anything “that might make others uncomfortable.”

It’s surprisingly open. After all, you are usually traveling in the car without any other passengers. In order to feel uncomfortable, third parties would have to look into the car from the outside. That has actually already happened, reports Alex. “Once someone looked over from another car and understood what was happening – he grinned at us.”

Alcohol ban in the Robotaxi

Incidentally, the robotaxes are much less ambivalent about other activities. Drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana in the cars are explicitly forbidden with both offers. Of course, the law also plays a role here: even carrying an open alcoholic drink in a car is already explicitly prohibited under California law. Although there is an exception for passenger taxis and buses, the operators of the robot taxis seem to prefer to play it safe.

“Cruise says if I have another beer in one of their cars, they’ll kick me out,” a Twitter user said. And posted the corresponding email from Cruise Support. Waymo explicitly forbids the use of alcohol, drugs and vaporizers in its terms of use. Even bringing animals is not allowed.

Photo Enforced

There is a simple reason why the services are able to enforce the strict rules: they know exactly what is happening in the cars. Although there is no supervisor in the car, the passenger cabins are equipped with numerous cameras. “We are recording video footage of what is happening in the cars for security and support purposes,” the Cruise website said. If there were problems, the recordings would be viewed.

Whether sex in the back seat is not seen as a problem or simply not pursued is another question. In any case, Alex, who has had sex six times in one of the cars, has not yet been contacted. And intends to continue. “I see myself as a pioneer,” he admits. “After all, this is the first place in this country where that’s even possible.”

Sources: “San Francisco standard“, study, Cruise

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