Seville: Thousands in “La Madruga” procession on the streets of the city

Watch the video: “La Madruga” procession moves through Seville after a two-year Corona break

STORY: Thousands of Catholic believers lined the streets of Seville on Friday night. Because “La Madruga”, translated: The dawn, one of the most famous Easter processions in the city, was carried out for the first time in two years without corona restrictions. The participants were correspondingly pleased: “We were really looking forward to it. We’ve been waiting for the pandemic issues to be over to finally be able to celebrate events like this again. Because that’s the most wonderful thing there is.” “A lot of people are back. They want to go out like crazy because we had such a horrible time. Now we want to go back and enjoy it again.” Spain’s traditional Easter Holy Week processions, attended by hundreds of thousands of people, were canceled in 2020 because of the pandemic and allowed with restrictions last year. And although there are events throughout the country during Holy Week, those of Seville are considered the most famous and well-known. Festively decorated sculptures of Jesus and the Virgin Mary are carried through the streets.

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