Several high schools and colleges targeted by false bomb threats

Serial alerts. Since Monday, numerous false bomb threats have disrupted the start of the school year in several establishments of the Lille academy. For at least two of the four alerts, the digital work environment (ENT) platform was used to disseminate the threat.

This series began on Monday with a disturbing message broadcast on the ENT of the Baggio high school, in Lille. “I finally decided to carry out my project”, affirmed the author of the message, explaining that he had disseminated “C4 everywhere in the school and in the classes”. On the eve of the start of the school year, no student was present, but the staff had been evacuated before the entire establishment was combed through by the deminers. Nothing had been found, however, the student whose account had been used to send the message had been arrested. Investigators believe that the student’s account was certainly hacked.

The same time in multiple messages

In Baggio, the return to school was able to take place this Tuesday morning, under police surveillance. On the other hand, it was disturbed elsewhere, in particular in Carvin as told by the mother of a student on TikTok. According to France 3, a college and a high school were evacuated in this town south of Lille. To our colleagues, the mayor of the city assures that everything was to explode at 10:43 am according to the threat received. The same time that had been indicated by the author of the message against the Baggio high school.

At Madeleine, near Lille, the Valentine Labbé high school was also targeted by a malicious message, broadcast on the ENT platform, Monday evening. Again, the establishment was completely searched, in vain. We do not know the content of the message, nor if it evoked the time of 10:43 am as in Carvin or Lille.

An investigation was opened, entrusted to the judicial police of Lille, to try to find the authors of these alerts.

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