Several deaths and major damage after tornadoes in Iowa

As of: May 22, 2024 11:33 a.m

A number of tornadoes caused severe damage in the US state of Iowa. Several people were killed. The town of Greenfield was particularly hard hit.

Tornadoes killed several people and caused extensive damage in the Midwest of the United States. The 2,000-resident community of Greenfield in the state of Iowa, around an hour’s drive from the capital Des Moines, was particularly hard hit.

Police spokesman Alex Dinkla told CNN: “Unfortunately we can confirm that there were fatalities in this tornado.” He was initially unable to provide more precise information about the number of victims.

The 2,000-resident community of Greenfield was hit particularly hard.

“There’s practically nothing left,” local politician Clel Baudler told CNN. The tornado passed directly through the town of Greenfield. A hospital was also hit. Footage from Greenfield shows piles of rubble.

Tornado in Iowa

US community of Greenfield devastated

17 tornadoes counted

According to CNN, up to 17 tornadoes were reported in Iowa at times. Since yesterday, many hurricanes have been moving through parts of the USA, causing flooding, damage and widespread power outages. The website “” reports that almost 200,000 households and businesses were affected in the states of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois.

According to CNN, there will be more storms and tornadoes in the coming days – especially towards Texas. Experts attribute the increase in natural disasters in the USA – storms, floods and forest fires – to the consequences of climate change.

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