Seventh season “Who steals the show from me?”: Joko Winterscheidt wins the opening episode

Seventh season “Who’s stealing the show?”
Joko Winterscheidt wins the opening episode

Klaas Heufer-Umlauf made it to the final quiz against his TV buddy Joko Winterscheidt in the opening broadcast, but was unable to win despite his three coins.

© Seven.One / Florida TV / Julian Mathieu

Joko Winterscheidt defended his show on Sunday. He will also moderate the next edition of “Who steals the show from me?”

In the opening episode of the seventh season of “Who’s Stealing the Show?” has moderator Joko Winterscheidt (45) defends his show. Can the singers Sarah Connor (43) and Lena Meyer-Landrut (32) as well as his TV friend Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (40) challenge him for his show in the next episode?

The car winner cheered the most

The three celebrities are taking part in the ProSieben show for the first time. Lena Meyer-Landrut and Sarah Connor were correspondingly excited. Klaas Heufer-Umlauf perhaps had a small advantage, as he had often appeared in TV games and in the duel against Joko.

Wildcard candidate Freya was the first to be eliminated on Sunday evening, and then Meyer-Landrut had to say goodbye. However, one spectator in the studio was extremely happy: he won a car. In the last winning stage before the final, Sarah Connor competed against Klaas Heufer-Umlauf in the popular teleprompter fill-in-the-blank game. In the “The Exorcist” film set, both got the same number of points, but since Klaas was already in the lead, he was able to advance to the final. But there he was left behind against Joko, who is now also the second episode of “Who steals the show from me?” moderated.

On February 18th, the other celebrities and a wildcard candidate will have the chance to steal the show from him again. ProSieben shows the show from 8:15 p.m.


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