Seven years in prison for stabbing a homeless man outside a convenience store

A 63-year-old man was sentenced on Wednesday to 7 years in prison by the Béziers criminal court (Hérault), for having injured a homeless man with a stab in the chest in front of a convenience store in the Hérault sub-prefecture, on February 23. The individual, known to justice for acts related to alcohol but also for a former criminal conviction, was also banned from carrying a weapon and from appearing in the Hérault department for five years.

On February 23, the victim was leaving a grocery store when she was stabbed by a man who had fled. Airlifted in serious condition to Montpellier hospital, this man had finally survived his injuries.

He says he felt attacked by a friend of the victim

Video surveillance made it possible to identify a man, who was waiting at the exit of the mini-market and rushed to the victim to stab him, reports Raphaël Balland, the public prosecutor of Béziers. He was arrested four days later, and explained, during his police custody, that he was in a state of intoxication and that he had felt attacked by a friend of the victim, when he bought his bread.

“He claimed to have only punched the victim twice but no stab wounds,” continues the prosecutor. His companion explained that on the day of the events, he left their home, located nearby, declaring that he had a score to settle. »

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