Seven patients hospitalized for botulism, including three in serious condition

Seven cases of botulism, linked to food poisoning, were admitted this weekend to Bordeaux University Hospital. According to South West which reveals the case, these seven people hospitalized for this extremely rare botulinum toxin poisoning, all ate in the same restaurant in the city center of Bordeaux before reporting the first symptoms.

Benjamin Clouzeau, resuscitation doctor, head of the Intensive Medicine-Resuscitation (MIR) department, specifies that “four cases of botulism, three of which justify ventilatory assistance, related to food poisoning” were admitted to his department. The ARS (Regional Health Agency) Nouvelle-Aquitaine is informed and “the necessary measures are taken. »

“Rare and potentially fatal disease”

Food botulism, due to the consumption of inadequately processed foods, “is a rare but potentially fatal disease if not diagnosed quickly and treated with an antitoxin,” explains the WHO (World Health Organization) on its website. health).

Botulinum toxins “block nerve functions and can lead to respiratory and muscular paralysis,” the organization continues. The first symptoms are marked fatigue, weakness and dizziness. They are usually followed by blurred vision, a feeling of dry mouth and difficulty swallowing and speaking. »

A crisis unit was opened at the Bordeaux University Hospital, according to South West.

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