Seriously injured, the PSG player gave the details of her attack

If the identity of the authors and sponsors of the attack on Kheira Hamraoui remains to be determined, the scenario for the evening of November 4 is gradually becoming clearer. This Wednesday,
The team gave details on the injuries and statements of the PSG midfielder, hit with iron bars that evening after 10:30 p.m. in a street in Chatou (Yvelines), while returning from a meal at a restaurant organized by her club.

The 31-year-old French international, treated at Poissy hospital, was prescribed six days of ITT after suffering from an open wound above one knee, several bruises on the thigh, the knee and calf, and having had four stitches: two in the shin and two in the palm of the hand.

“He was mainly targeting my legs”

As she was brought home by her teammate Aminata Diallo, two hooded men appeared in front of the car, according to Hamraoui. One of them “gave him a first blow from the first moments of the attack to force me out of the cabin,” said the former Barcelona.

“I fell on the road and then on the right side of the road. My attacker hit me with an iron bar several times. I saw that he was basically aiming at my legs and I was trying to protect myself with my hands. The two attackers, who insulted the player and mentioned a “married man”, according to his testimony and that of Diallo, then fled.

Since the facts, Hamraoui has resumed individual training. She is psychologically monitored and protected by a security service set up by the PSG.

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