Series “The Witcher” – magicians hunting monsters – media

Who a new game of Thrones expected is wrong: Already in the first few minutes, in which the white-blonde-wigged Henry Cavill fights a spider-fish-monster in a swamp pond, it becomes clear that the series The Witcher is a sword and wizard tale. A heroic saga with princesses and magic.

But those who tune in will probably already know that, because the main character is no stranger. Short stories, books, video games, a movie, a series, a board game – all of these existed before the new Netflix adaptation of The Witcher. It is based on the witcher saga by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, which was published in the 1990s. It is so popular that Poland’s then Prime Minister Donald Tusk ceremonially presented the computer game to then US President Barack Obama during a visit The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings presented.

The creators of the new series have obviously also based themselves on the game series, although they basically remain close to the books: title hero Geralt von Riva, long hair, yellow cat eyes, Batman voice and a cross like a swimming mat, is a monster hunter with medium strength magical powers. His motto: “Evil is evil. There are no greater or lesser evil deeds.” But life isn’t that uncompromising, and so Geralt, who wanders around with his troubadour Delphinium, is drawn into the machinations of the powerful. And then there are, all interwoven, the fates of Ciri, a princess on the run, and Yennefer, a proud sorceress who will settle for nothing less than anything. The series tells with speed, the first big battle begins after half an hour and ends abruptly. So the emotional bond remains low, but there is no boredom. Despite all the bloodiness, the fight scenes seem almost animated. The more talkative Geralt in the books becomes another taciturn hero on Netflix – just like in the games.

And even if the special effects are at most okay compared to the games: In its best moments The Witcher, implemented by director Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, even quite funny. No profound Netflix cinema, but always entertaining.

The Witcheron Netflix*

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