Serbian president accuses Australian PM of ‘mistreating’ player and all of Serbia

Fortunately, Serbia does not have atomic weapons. Because since the start of the Djokovic affair in Melbourne, President Aleksandar Vucic has continued to be in the escalation. In a video posted this Friday on social networks, he again accused the Australian authorities of “mistreating” the country’s child, who had his visa revoked for the second time. “Why are you mistreating him, why are you attacking not only him, but also his family and the whole nation,” Vucic protested on Instagram.

The whole nation, really? The diplomatic incident, we can say, is there. “If you wanted to ban Novak Djokovic from winning a 10th trophy in Melbourne, why didn’t you send him back immediately, why didn’t you tell him that it was impossible to obtain a visa for your country? asked Aleksandar Vukic. Before concluding: “Novak, we are by your side! “.

A return to detention on Saturday?

The Serbian president had already supported the player from the start of the affair by describing the retention of the world tennis star as a “political witch hunt”. “Nole” had his visa canceled once upon his arrival in Melbourne on January 5 and he was placed in a detention center. His lawyers had then obtained from a judge that he restore his visa and order his immediate release on January 10. But the immigration minister finally canceled his visa again on Friday under his discretion. A decision taken “on health and public order bases”, specified the minister.

An interview with the Australian immigration services is scheduled for Saturday morning on this subject, two days before the start of the Australian Open where the Serb hopes to conquer a 10th title and a 21st Grand Slam, which would be a record. If this interview goes wrong, Djoko could return to detention. This incredible series, where the Serb notably pleads “human error” for his poorly completed entry declaration, is therefore not over.

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