Semino Rossi: Schlagerstar reveals his weight loss method

Semino Rossi
Schlagerstar reveals his weight loss method

Pop star Semino Rossi is back with his new album “Today I have time for you”.

© Manfred Esser

Semino Rossi is back with his album Today I Have Time for You. In the interview, the singer talks about his weight loss secret.

Schlager fans had to be patient for three years, but now the time has come: On March 18, Semino Rossi’s (59) new album “Today I have time for you” will be released. Born in Argentina, he was able to use the Corona period creatively and took on new impulses – which is why the songs also sound more modern. There is also a lot going on with the hit star in 2022: not only is there a solo tour, but also his 60th birthday. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, Rossi talks about celebration plans and his retirement. In addition, the significantly slimmer 59-year-old reveals which weight loss method he swears by.

The title song of your new album is called “Today I have time for you”. Many have noticed during the long lockdowns what it is really worth taking the time for. How was it for you?

Semino Rossi: I think the line of the title “Today I have time for you” is so important as a statement, that’s why we decided to put it above the album. Especially nowadays, when things are happening faster and faster and impressions from all over the world reach us. It is all the more important not to get carried away by the tide of time. “Today I have time for you” – to listen to understand and to tell to exchange ideas. My language, which I understand best and with which I can best express feelings, desires and experiences, is music. I make time for my family, my daughters and my grandson Leonhard as often as possible. Like me, he likes music. That connects us even more. On April 18 he will be three years old.

What do you take too little time for?

Rossi: I would like to be able to read music better and also be able to arrange. I would have liked to study music, but as a 20-year-old I had other priorities. Back then I saved money for a ticket for two years – as a lifeguard and with performances in music bars. That was very expensive by my standards. With that, I made another important decision: At the age of 21, I flew to Europe on a one-way ticket to make singing my profession.

Your new songs sound very modern. What led to this change?

Rossi: I picked up new impulses because I want to further develop my musical career. The lyrics, melodies and arrangements convinced me, the production feels good to me.

You took a creative break beforehand. Why was that important to you? What has changed in your life as a result?

Rossi: I was able to use the Corona period creatively. And through the restrictions that have affected us all, learn how valuable it is to be healthy and to be able to move freely. I experienced the value of friendship and team spirit in a whole new way. In my early days in Europe, I had the privilege of having this experience as a young person when I was trying to break into Europe as a singer and I made friends and had opportunities to prove myself as a musician and singer.

You’ve lost a few pounds in the past year. What are you doing to maintain your weight? How are you feeling with the new weight?

Rossi: I feel totally comfortable. I lost weight through intermittent fasting. Since then, I’ve been eating very consciously and healthily to keep it that way. Lots of vegetables, few carbohydrates, meat and fish, salads and yoghurt and fruit salad for breakfast.

Your songs are also about love. What role does she currently play in your life?

Rossi: Without love there is no life. Above all, there is no substitute for the love that children and grandchildren have for their parents and grandparents. I really enjoy it when our little Leonhard visits his grandfather Semino. He already sings along with Spanish songs, he likes music as much as I do.

So your family is very important to you?

Rossi: I grew up in a large family and can’t imagine it any other way. For me family is part of the nest, no matter how old you are.

In May you will celebrate your 60th birthday. What do you have planned for the festival?

Rossi: Just like my 50th birthday: familiar, comfortable and only with my closest friends. I’m not planning a big party. I only wish to be healthy and I’m happy about every birthday I get to celebrate. Every new year of life is a gift. You are as old as you feel. I don’t feel like 60!

How are you at this age?

Rossi: I realize that time is gradually becoming more and more precious. Not because after a certain age you don’t have that much time. You realize that it is irretrievable and pay more attention to life.

What would you like for your birthday?

Rossi: Health. health only. And that I no longer have to read the morning news in the newspaper about war, violence and natural disasters.

Have you ever thought about retirement? When is that time for you?

Rossi: No, not yet. When I feel it might be time, I’ll think about it. Right now I’m preparing for spring and summer performances and looking forward to my fall solo tour.


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