Selfie trick: influencers “lose” many kilograms with these poses

See in the video: Angle, light and pose changed – British woman shows the tricks of influencers with selfies.

“The same body… the same day – unbelievable! Influencer Natasha Sandhu took these two pictures in quick succession.
“I only moved my cell phone a few centimeters into the sun for better lighting / no shadows, and raised it to achieve a narrower angle,” writes Sandhu, also sitting upright for the picture on the right.
Users of the photo sharing platform Instagram cannot believe what they see and accuse the British woman of manipulating the picture. Sandhu proves that everything is right in the photos with further pictures from the photo series.
She writes: After my comparison post a few days ago, I was really accused of being a liar, people have claimed that “the pictures are” two completely different people “.
Sandhu, who describes herself as an advocate for mental health, wants to show with her photos that, in addition to the perfect pictures on Instagram, for which she is known, there are also pictures like this: With cellulite and small rolls in the abdominal area.
Why does it show up like this? She wants to point out that nobody has to be ashamed of their appearance and that apparent perfection is only a matter of perspective.

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