Self-defense retained in the death of the Sarousse bear, killed by a hunter

A little less than a year ago, in November 2020, the Sarousse bear was killed by a hunter during a wild boar hunt in the Spanish Pyrenean valley of Bardaji, in the sector of
Ribagorza, in the northeast of Aragon. From the first hours of the investigation, the man had indicated to the Civil Guard that he had shouted to frighten the plantigrade, a 21-year-old female who was reintroduced in 2006 on the French side of the mountain range. The animal advancing in his direction, he had explained that he had to use his weapon.

In early October, the Boltaña court issued a provisional dismissal order. In his order, the judges believe that the hunter acted in self-defense, indicates the Spanish newspaper Heraldo.

A decision that leaves the Spanish Brown Bear Foundation skeptical. Its officials raise in particular the recklessness of the hunter who had turned off his radio when a member of the beaten up warned of the possible presence of the bear in this area. The latter asks those hunters to be better informed and prepared in areas where plantigrades are present.

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