Seismologist: “The strongest earthquake measured in Morocco”

As of: September 9, 2023 3:08 p.m

Exceptionally strong and yet “scientifically no surprise”: This is how earthquake expert Tilmann classifies the earthquake in Morocco. A timely warning for the population is often not possible.

The devastating earthquake in Morocco is no surprise from a scientific perspective. This is what seismologist Frederik Tilmann from the German Georesearch Center said tagesschau24 interview. He pointed out that the quake was the strongest instrumentally measured in Morocco and occurred in the most vulnerable region within the country. “There was a code that the buildings were built accordingly,” said Tilmann.

The earthquake was caused by the movements of the Eurasian and African plates. According to Tilmann, they move “very slowly” – by four millimeters per year. The earthquake on Saturday night had a magnitude of 6.8. The epicenter was about 72 kilometers southwest of Marrakech in the sparsely populated Atlas Mountains.

Earthquake warning is complicated

Early earthquake warning is still difficult, said Tilmann. Not all regions are geologically suitable for such a system. To his knowledge, Morocco does not have the relevant technology.

Tilmann expects further aftershocks in the coming days and months. But the intensity will continue to decrease. However, slightly increased seismic activity is still “possible for years.”

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