Sebastian Vollmer on the American football hype in Germany

American football has never been more popular with us than it is now. Sebastian Vollmer, the most successful German in the NFL, on a sport that breaks all boundaries.

Germans have always looked obsessively at their compatriots in the United States, at those select few who made it “over there”. If someone belongs in this series, if someone has made it, it’s probably him: Sebastian Vollmer. The giant from Kaarst. 2.03 meters high, 142 kilos, back then. On a trip through the States, he was discovered by scouts for American football, the most American of all sports. As an offensive tackle, Vollmer made the leap into the NFL and held the bones for the legendary quarterback Tom Brady for years. He won two Super Bowls, 2016 was the end. We reach him in Florida, on the beach of course.

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