Sebastian Stan struggled to learn the drums to play Tommy Lee

A few weeks before the release of Pam & Tommy, the Disney + series devoted to the scandal of the sextape of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, the transformation of Lily James and Sebastian Stan had impressed a lot. However, it was not the physical resemblance that required the most effort from the actor to embody the drummer of Mötley Crüe, but the learning of his instrument.

“I don’t play any musical instrument. So showing up and starting from scratch was kind of terrifying. I believe he was voted the best batsman in the world, so I felt like these were some big sneakers to wear. But I did my best,” assured Sebastian Stan during an interview with EntertainmentTonight.


In any case, Sebastian Stan’s performance seemed credible in the eyes of critics who were rather positive towards the series.

And while awards season is in full swing, the actor prefers to keep his feet on the ground. “I’m just glad it resonates with people,” he added, though he admits an award would be “the icing on the cake.”

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