Sebastian Kurz III: Another film – culture

For all supporters of the thesis that two films about Sebastian Kurz in a very short space of time are definitely not enough: Don’t worry, there is now a third. As the FAZ reports, after “Project Ballhausplatz” and “Kurz – the Film” “Sebastian Kurz – the truth” is now also to be released. Apparently this week, as Croatian director Jakov Sedlar confirmed to the newspaper.

He describes Kurz as “a very interesting personality,” and not even critics will contradict him. According to the report, the budget should be 350,000 euros.

Will it really be about “the truth”? The script for the film is said to have been written by the Austrian journalist Judith Grohmann, who published the book “Sebastian Kurz: The Official Biography” in 2019. At least at first glance, that sounds like a moderately critical distance.

But who knows how many films about Kurz will appear soon, there could be enough for both fans and despisers.

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