Sebastian Fitzek: Author ends moderation on “Riverboat”

Sebastian Fitzek
Author quits moderation on “Riverboat”

Sebastian Fitzek ends the moderation on “Riverboat”.

© rbb/Marcus Höhne

Sebastian Fitzek says goodbye to the talk show “Riverboat”. The author wants to focus on writing again.

Sebastian Fitzek (50) stops on the talk show “Riverboat”. Since October 2021 he had moderated the edition from Berlin together with Kim Fisher (53). Now the well-known writer ends this activity, as reported by the RBB. Fitzek will be there for the last time on August 26th.

“I would have liked to have continued for much longer, seldom has a creative task been as much fun as ‘Riverboat Berlin’,” Sebastian Fitzek is quoted as saying. “But new book projects require writing retreats lasting several months, which unfortunately cannot be reconciled with regular moderation.” He thanks the “Riverboat” team, “the spectators, who welcomed me so warmly, and the guests for the exciting discussions”.

Sebastian Fitzek thanks Kim Fisher

He sent a special thank you to “the wonderful Kim Fisher, with whom I now have a friendship thanks to the great collaboration. I’ll remain loyal to the show as a viewer and, if I’m invited, of course, as a guest,” promised Fitzek.

In his last and first “Riverboat” show after the summer break on August 26, Kim Fisher and Sebastian Fitzek welcome actress Jutta Speidel (68) and Olympic stars Robert (37) and Christoph Harting (32). On September 9, Fisher is looking forward to stars like Judy Winter (78) and Max Schautzer (82). “Riverboat” runs every Friday in weekly rotation from Berlin and Leipzig on RBB and MDR as well as in the ARD media library.


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