Seasonal calendar April: These fruits and vegetables taste best fresh now

With April, new types of fruit and vegetables are arriving in supermarkets and markets. They are now particularly fresh, environmentally friendly and delicious. In this article we will tell you which varieties are in season now.

Spring has finally arrived in April. For the seasonal calendar, this means that there is finally a wider variety of fruit and vegetables to choose from. In April, the first asparagus can be found on the market. The time for wild garlic and young leaf spinach has finally arrived.

Despite the changeable April weather, the days are significantly warmer and nature is becoming more and more colourful. The trees are green again and the gentle scent of the first blossoms revels in the fresh spring air.

In the April season, the harvest begins for some regional fruits and vegetables. Especially nice: the asparagus season begins in April. So you can look forward to the first asparagus dishes.

With the seasonal calendar from you can find out what other vegetables and fruit you will get in spring.

The April season calendar at a glance

With the seasonal calendar you can see directly which local vegetables or fruit you can now get at the market or in the supermarket. If you pay more attention to regional products, you can reduce your personal CO₂ consumption.

Although the season for young spinach and rhubarb started in March, they are now in abundance in April. New in April is the harvest of rocket and asparagus. If you want to pick fresh wild garlic, you have to do this in April, after that you won’t find it in the woods anymore.

Seasonal vegetables in April:

  • asparagus
  • Beetroot
  • radish
  • leek
  • rhubarb
  • arugula
  • spinach
  • Lamb’s lettuce
  • carrots
  • mushrooms
  • parsnips
  • Stored vegetables such as onions and potatoes are also available

Seasonal Herbs:

  • wild garlic
  • mint
  • chives
  • chervil
  • thyme
  • sage

Seasonal fruit:

As for fruit, you can enjoy apples. These are stored fruit and are therefore available all year round.


asparagus is a particularly popular vegetable in German-speaking countries. The asparagus season starts here in mid to late April and ends in June. The white, soft stalks have a delicate, fresh aroma and are very versatile in preparation.

  • Serves as an accompaniment to potatoes and ham with Hollandaise sauce asparagus as a typical dish for the Easter holidays. But asparagus is also good in salads or pies.
  • Since asparagus consists of more than 90 percent water, it is fortunately very low in calories.
  • But asparagus has a lot of potassium and folic acid
  • In addition, white asparagus contains a lot of vegetable protein thanks to the amino acid asparagine.
  • Green asparagus also convinces with a large amount of beta-carotene, which is the precursor of vitamin A, and vitamin C.
  • Asparagus has many positive effects on your health: asparagus is diuretic and therefore relieves bladder problems. It also helps with gastrointestinal, bile and liver problems. As a diabetic, you also benefit from the asparagus.


Arugula is known for its particularly hot taste. The arugula owes its pungent aroma to the mustard oils in the dandelion-like leaves. Arugula or rocket, as the salad is also called, tastes nutty and spicy.

  • with arugula you can prepare tasty side salads. Together with sweet potatoes, avocado and feta cheese, it tastes great in a Buddha bowl. Arugula also tastes good as a topping for burgers and pizza or in a risotto.
  • Arugula comes with numerous health benefits. The dark green leaves contain vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and folic acid.
  • It is best to store arugula wrapped in a damp cloth. It stays fresh in the fridge for a good three days.


Radishes are a typical spring vegetable. The bright pink radish heads are a real eye-catcher at the market. And the taste of the vegetables is also intense.

  • The pungent aroma of the tubers goes well in spring saladswith salmon or sushi, in a Buddha bowl or on cream cheese bread.
  • Radishes come with a whole load of important vitamins. For example, the rare vitamin K. It also contains vitamin C, as well as iron and potassium.
  • Equally positive: radishes are particularly good for digestion, as they consist of 50 percent fiber. That means you stay full longer after consuming radishes and suffer from less frequent cravings.

Here you have to access again

While new vegetables gain entry in April, others are phased out. This applies, for example, to parsnips, beetroot or chicory. So here you have to access again. However, you will find stored vegetables and fruit such as apples, potatoes, carrots and onions all year round.

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