Search in Mar-A-Lago: The raid will do little harm to Trump


Status: 08/10/2022 02:36 am

Donald Trump is an expert at effectively selling himself as a martyr to the media – just like he did again after the raid on his property. The search will therefore hardly harm Trump.

A comment by Claudia Sarre, ARD Studio Washington

In fact, Donald Trump has every reason to be concerned. There are a number of lawsuits against him. The judicial authorities are investigating tax evasion and unfair business practices. A committee of inquiry is trying to find out how the ex-president was involved in the storming of the Capitol. And now a full-scale FBI search of his luxury home, Mar-A-Lago, in Florida.

But Trump wouldn’t be Trump if he showed weakness now. Instead of ducking his head, he counterattacks. He himself made the details of the FBI visit public on his social media channel “Truth Social”. Trump is an expert at exploiting media attention for himself and staging himself as a martyr.

This is what happened in impeachment procedure number one and impeachment procedure number two. He came out stronger from both cases.

Trump’s flight forward appears to be successful

What is even more incredible, Trump’s flight forward appears to have been successful. His organization took the raid as an opportunity to ask Trump supporters for more campaign donations.

Trump’s fundraising committee – known as “Save America” ​​- has already raised hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from his supporters to support the Republicans in the upcoming midterms and possibly his own candidacy. All based on the relentless claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and that Trump is actually the rightful President of the United States.

Raid won’t hurt Trump’s popularity

It should be noted that if FBI agents did in fact find incriminating material against him in Mar-A-Lago, or if he made himself a criminal offense in some way, this will not affect his popularity – quite the contrary. Trump will likely find a way to avoid indictment or indefinitely defer it—as he has done countless times in other trials, by the way.

His supporters will celebrate him and support him – because facts or evidence are known to have no relevance for die-hard Trump fans. Trump himself will probably encourage the house search to start again in 2024.

The Democrats are threatened with super meltdown

However, should the FBI not be able to show any spectacular investigative successes, it would be the worst case scenario for the Democrats. Their political opponents would accuse them of incompetence and political motives – instead of legally sound action.

Instead of getting lost in secondary theaters of war, the Democrats should concentrate on preparing for the next presidential election, for example, think now about suitable candidates who have the potential to eliminate an opponent like Trump.

After all, another term under Donald Trump would not only further terribly divide US society, but would also jeopardize democracy in the long term.

Editorial note

Comments always reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editors.

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