Search for missing climber near Ramsau interrupted again

Two days after a 24-year-old mountaineer had an accident on the Hochkalter in the Berchtesgaden Alps, hope is fading that the missing person can still be found alive. Early Monday evening at around 6:15 p.m., a Bavarian police helicopter set off again to look for the missing Lower Saxony. Again without success.

Helicopter deployment thanks to an unexpected window of good weather

After the police and the Ramsau mountain rescue service initially assumed that the search could not continue until Wednesday due to the weather, a window of fine weather unexpectedly opened up so that the helicopter could take off. The two pilots and a member of the Ramsau Mountain Rescue Service searched the area at around 2,300 meters for a good hour. Although there was no more precipitation, strong winds, lots of snow and the unclear terrain made the search difficult. A dense cloud cover also prevented the helicopter pilots from being able to search beyond about 2,300 meters.

As soon as the weather permits, the helicopter will take off again.

When the weather was bad, I set off alone on the alpine tour

With temperatures down to minus six degrees and adverse weather conditions such as snowfall, ice, heavy rain, wind and fog, the search is very difficult. The young man from Lower Saxony had traveled alone by train, set off on his high alpine tour despite the early onset of winter and then made an emergency call around 3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, which was received by the Tyrol control center in Innsbruck. According to the report, he initially stated that while climbing up at an estimated height of around 2,400 meters, he had slipped a long way and injured his head and broken both arms, getting into terrain that was dangerous and having difficulties not falling further .

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