Sea level: NASA animation shows 30 years of global warming in time lapse

Watch the video: Rising sea levels – Nasa animation shows 30 years in time lapse.

Since 1993, since NASA satellites began taking accurate measurements, there has been a detectable increase in sea level. In an animation, the NASA Scientific Visualization Studio shows how the elevation would be felt in a fictitious porthole at sea level. Sea level has risen nine centimeters in the past 30 years. And it keeps increasing. Google Earth also uses a tool to show the effects of rising sea levels. Here the consequence for inhabited areas is shown. London is partially flooded. The visualization compares the rise at 2 degrees of warming versus the rise at 4 degrees. Attempts are currently being made to cap the temperature increase in the atmosphere at 2 degrees by consistently reducing greenhouse gas emissions, so that horror scenarios like these in London do not become reality. But even the impact of 2 degrees is too much for many areas, as the Google animation shows. Better than slogans and catchphrases, these animations encapsulate the dystopian prospect Earth faces if we don’t get the temperature rise under control.

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