Screen time: How the generations differ in front of the display

Germans’ screen time is surprising: Which generations spend how long in front of the screen? A survey provides insights.

The current Statista Consumer Insights took a close look at the screen time of Germans. 2,063 people between the ages of 18 and 80 living in Germany were surveyed. What is particularly surprising are the differences between the generations.

Between 32 and 44 percent of those surveyed say they spend more than half of the day in front of a screen on weekdays. Millennials lead the way at 44 percent, followed by Generation Z (42 percent), while Baby Boomers make up the smallest share at 32 percent.

Screen time among Germans: Gen Z also spends a lot of time in front of the screen in their private lives

Gen Z also spends more time in front of the screen on the weekends than older generations.

Image: Statista

Another interesting finding from the survey: screen time decreases on weekends in most age groups. A possible reason for this could be professional activities in front of monitors or displays. Only among Generation Z is there an increase of around 10 percentage points in people who spend more than half of the day in front of a screen on the weekend.

What is particularly striking is that for the youngest group of respondents, a considerable part of their private lives takes place in virtual space. Whether social networks, streaming or video games – the digital world plays a central role in the lives of younger generations.

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