Screen Art: Bowing to Cinemas: «The Light That Dreams Are Made Of»:

canvas art
Bowing to cinemas: «The light that dreams are made of»:

Samay (Bhavin Rabari) loves the cinema. Photo: -/Neue Vision film distribution/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Indian director Pan Nalin presents a drama about a love for the arts of the screen, but also about just having a good time.

For every cinema lover this is probably a kind of secret dream: a cinema that you can call your own! Young Samay and some of his friends are allowed to fulfill this wish in this 112-minute film, an Indo-French co-production. It’s about, the German title sums it up very nicely, the “light from which dreams are made”.

The film has been billed as a “cinephilgood drama,” which pretty much sums up what it’s about: a drama about loving the arts of the screen, but also about just having a good time (see: Feelgood Movie ).

Samay wants to make films

Samay lives with his family in a small Indian village. He will probably never forget the day when he was allowed to visit a cinema with his family for the first time. He knows one thing for sure: he wants to make films. In addition, Samay meets a projectionist who enables the boy to watch cinema strips for free.

From now on, Samay skipped school again and again: to spend all the time that he gained in front of the moving pictures that are so important to him. The local cinema is threatened with closure. The dedicated eight-year-old has little choice but to take matters into his own hands to save canvas art. And that, although his father is of the opinion: “The film world is indecent and violates our values”.

Music by Cyril Morin

The music for this film, directed by the Indian Pan Nalin, was written by Cyril Morin, a French composer who proved this more than 20 years ago with his wonderful music for “Samsara – Spirit and Passion” (also directed by Pan Nalin). was able to understand his craft perfectly.

The original English title “Last Film Show” of this strip, which was presented for the first time last summer at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, is reminiscent of a cult classic: “The Last Picture Show”. Back then (1971), in the US feature film by Peter Bogdanovich, a cinema played a major role.

– The Light That Dreams Are Made Of, India/France 2021, 112 min, FSK 12+, by Pan Nalin, with Bhavin Rabari, Richa Meena, Paresh Mehta.


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