Scottish Orkney Islands discuss secession from Britain

Status: 07/03/2023 11:26 am

Scotland’s Orkney Islands feel betrayed by governments in London and Edinburgh. The inhabitants of the archipelago in the North Atlantic now want to discuss other forms of government – including the farewell to Great Britain.

In the Scottish Orkney Islands there are discussions about breaking away from Great Britain. There are several options – becoming a self-governing area of ​​Norway is one of them. Speaking to BBC Radio Scotland, community leader James Stockan emphasized the historically close ties to the Scandinavian country to which the archipelago of 20,000 people once belonged.

Late on Sunday evening, the British media spoke of a possible “Orkxit” in the North Atlantic – in reference to the “Brexit” baptized Great Britain’s exit from the EU. Stockan has requested that other forms of government be considered. The aim is greater economic independence, he said.

According to him, the archipelago north of the Scottish mainland feels betrayed by the governments in London and Edinburgh. The financial contributions are significantly lower than on the Shetland Islands further north or the Outer Hebrides in western Scotland.

Orkney used to be part of Norway

Orkney was founded in 1472 as security for the dowry at the marriage of Queen Margaret of Denmark to King James III of Scotland. pledged to Scotland. “On the street in Orkney, people ask me when we’re going to give back the dowry, when we’re going to be part of Norway again,” Stockan said. There is a great cultural connection with the Nordic countries.

Possible forms of government are also a crown estate, such as the islands in the English Channel, which have their own laws and report directly to the British crown, or an overseas territory such as Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands.

The municipal council is scheduled to discuss the application tomorrow, which has not yet determined a concrete solution. “We will examine the practical implications and then evaluate the results,” Stockan said. “We want to find the best position for future generations and our place in the world.”

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