Scoring with Prince William on Netflix

This is the story of a breakup. That of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with the British royal family. The couple gives their version of the facts in the documentary “Harry & Meghan” broadcast on Netflix. And in the latest episodes released on Thursday, Prince William’s little brother accuses him of having reacted angrily to his decision to abandon the monarchy and assumes that he has turned this page. The two brothers have not spoken to each other since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left for California.

Harry dives into family intimacy when he recounts the summit meeting in January 2020 about his plans to move overseas with Meghan. He then explains that he offered to be “half in, half out” of the royal family, working for his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II but being self-financed. “It was terrifying to see my brother yelling and yelling at me and my dad saying things that just weren’t true and my grandmother just sitting quietly and absorbing it all,” Harry said.

Harry drives the knife in again and accuses William’s entourage of being behind the couple’s negative media coverage, which he says was due to him ‘stealing the show’ from others members of the royal family. “The problem is when someone who gets married and should be a supporting role, steals the show or does the job better than the person who was born to do it,” he says clearly targeting William and his wife Kate.

“I miss the UK”

Prince Harry also talks about his return to the United Kingdom in April 2021 for the funeral of his grandfather Philip, the husband of Elizabeth II. It was “hard”, “especially the discussions with my brother and my father, who were very focused on the same misinterpretation of the situation”. “I had to come to terms with the fact that we’ll probably never get a real apology. My wife and I are moving forward. We’re focused on what’s coming next,” he said.

“There were times when I was angry, but I can’t be because I sincerely believe that I am, and we are, exactly where we are supposed to be,” he said again. No regrets, it seems, but shortcomings. “I miss the weird family gatherings where we’re all together under one roof at certain times of the year. (…) I miss the UK. »

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