“Scientists are shocked to see how quickly the climate is changing”, warns Greta Thunberg

She takes advantage of the release of the Ledger of Climate, his new book, to sound the alarm. Greta Thunberg, a young environmental activist and icon in the fight against global warming, spoke on France Inter of the “injustice” created by this crisis between countries: “There are people in certain countries of the world who have contributed the most to this crisis and yet who will be least affected by the effects. While those who have contributed the least to this crisis will suffer the most. »

From the high school strike to the declension of its fights in bookstores

The 19-year-old Swede wants to focus on the “global” side of the emergency and educate people: “You can’t just talk about the details without the big picture of the emergency. It’s like saying the house is on fire and wondering how to turn off the oven. »

Having become an international figure in the fight for the climate in 2018 after going on high school strike every Friday and involving thousands of high school students in her commitment, Greta Thunberg hammers home one of her main messages in this new book. “Scientists are shocked at how quickly the climate is changing. Much faster than expected. The state of science is completely stable and we have to listen to them (scientists)”, assures the young woman.

“And when we talk about these storms, these climatic extremes, we evoke the symptoms of the crisis but we do not explain its causes”, adds Greta Thunberg. For the activist, “we are also not talking about the fact that people are already suffering on a daily basis”.

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