Science: Research Committee: AfD threat to science location

Research Committee: AfD threat to science location

The AfD wants to withdraw the financial basis from research fields that they dislike, said Kai Gehring (Greens). photo

© Christophe Gateau/dpa

High poll numbers for the AfD could deter students abroad, warns Kai Gehring from the Greens. The chairman of the research committee sees many more problems.

The chairman of the Bundestag Research Committee, Kai Gehring (Greens), sees the AfD a threat to science in Germany. “Völkisch-nationalist ideologies, racism and science denial endanger our science location and thus our economic future,” Gehring told the dpa in Berlin.

The committee chairman accused the AfD of questioning established scientific findings and accusing researchers of ideology. The party wants to withdraw the financial basis for research fields that they dislike.

Gehring also remembered the many international students and scientists in Germany. “High poll numbers for the AfD lead to doubts among top international researchers as to whether Germany is the right location for their research,” he said.

Gehring: AfD spreads conspiracy myths and fake news

“Creativity, diversity and inventiveness in universities, research institutions and academies make our country highly innovative, competitive and secure our international reputation,” explained Gehring. “The AfD is threatening this foundation for future prosperity by spreading conspiracy myths, attacking established scientific findings with disinformation campaigns and discrediting facts through fake news.”

Gehring referred, among other things, to research on climate change. Many AfD politicians deny that people make a significant contribution to climate change or have an influence on it.


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