Schweinfurt: Police use pepper spray at a demonstration against corona measures

Germany Schweinfurt

Police use pepper spray at demonstration against corona measures

“I used to vote for the CDU. I’m not a guinea pig “

“These are our 68ers”: This comparison does not come from a Corona demonstrator, but from a local SPD politician. The video (8 min.) From Freiberg in Saxony shows that the protest against the corona policy is not only supported by radicals.

In Schweinfurt, opponents of the corona measures and vaccinations took to the streets unannounced on Boxing Day. The police used batons and pepper spray. A small child was also hit and injured.

HUndertold people protested against the Corona measures on Sunday in Schweinfurt, Bavaria. According to police, riots broke out at the rally that was not registered. The police arrested eight people and initiated an administrative offense against 44 people, according to the police in Lower Franconia on Monday night.

“Our emergency services were already forced to use baton and pepper spray against aggressive meeting participants,” said the Lower Franconia police on Twitter in the evening. Three demonstrators who attempted to break through police lines were arrested.

First, several hundreds of “peaceful protesters” gathered, the police said. The police had pointed out restrictions to be observed, such as the mask requirement, via loudspeaker vans.

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Then people sat together in marching columns, which the officers tried to break through police chains and barriers until the emergency services were injured with “fists and kicks, some of which were moderately severe,” according to the police. It was necessary to stop further attacks with batons.

Officials were “insulted and spat at” by participants in the meeting, the police said on Monday night. “Our emergency services were already forced to use baton and pepper spray against aggressive participants in the assembly. We call on all participants to peacefully exercise their basic rights and to adhere to the rules, ”the Lower Franconia police tweeted on Sunday evening. The police asked the participants to “clearly distinguish themselves from rioters and criminals”. The meeting had not been registered, the Schweinfurt police station was on duty with numerous support staff.

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A 50-year-old protester sustained a head wound. A four-year-old child also came into contact with a cloud of pepper spray and had to receive medical care. The mother tried to break through a cordon. “The child is fine now,” said a police superintendent on Sunday evening.

Four of the eight arrests will be heard in court on Monday afternoon. It is resistance to law enforcement officers and attacks on police officers. In addition, a complaint was filed against four people for instigating an “unpeaceful protest” under the Assembly Act. Administrative offense proceedings were initiated against all participants in an elevator that consisted of 44 people. “Don’t let right-wing extremists, citizens of the Reich or anti-Semites take over and don’t hinder any measures taken by the police,” the police said in a statement.

According to the police, up to 3,000 opponents of the corona measures took to the streets in Schweinfurt last Sunday. After the meeting, which was also unannounced, proceedings for administrative offenses were initiated against several participants in the meeting.

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