Schulze promises Jordan help with refugee care

As of: November 6th, 2023 12:21 p.m

Development Minister Schulze has promised Jordan additional aid for the care of refugees. Against the backdrop of the escalation in the Middle East, she praised Jordan’s mediating role and humanitarian commitment.

Germany wants to support Jordan with an additional 41 million euros in caring for refugees. During a visit to the Zaatari refugee camp, Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) announced the signing of loans worth 125 million euros to improve the water supply in the country.

The trip takes place against the backdrop of the war between the militant Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Israel. Jordan traditionally plays a mediating role in the Middle East conflict.

The loans and grants from Germany are intended, among other things, to replace ailing water pipes and finance seawater desalination plants on the Red Sea.

of Jordan mediator role “invaluable”

Jordan’s humanitarian and political commitment is “central to peace in the Middle East,” explained Schulze. The country’s role as mediator is “invaluable.” The country is facing major challenges, such as extreme water shortages and high youth unemployment, but also by accepting millions of refugees. Schulze advocated supporting developing countries like Jordan in order to provide their own people and refugees with a better life.

According to the ministry, almost half of all people living in Jordan have a refugee background. Among them are 2.3 million Palestinians, 1.3 million Syrians and tens of thousands of people from Iraq, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia. Jordan is the most important receiving country, alongside Turkey and Lebanon, especially for Syrians who have fled.

80,000 people in Refugee camp Zaatari

According to the UN, the Zaatari refugee camp in northern Jordan, which was initially set up as a tent city twelve years ago, is now one of the largest refugee camps in the world with around 80,000 residents. According to the ministry, the world’s largest solar system was built in a refugee camp in Zaatari with German support.

There is also German support for refugee aid in Jordan in the areas of education, professional qualifications and basic municipal services such as waste disposal and water supply.

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