School, handicap… LR suitors are slightly out of the marked themes

School, disability, culture … For their third and penultimate televised debate, this Sunday, the five candidates for the nomination of the Republicans (LR) for the presidential election of 2022 have left the themes marked out on immigration and the purchasing power.

Ten days before the congress which will nominate their candidate from December 1 to 4, Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand, Eric Ciotti, Philippe Juvin and Valérie Pécresse met on CNews and Europe1, for a more lively debate than the first two, and going beyond the regal on which everyone has been assaulting firmness for weeks.


Challenger of the competition, Philippe Juvin warned at the start of the program, while everyone could talk about the theme of their choice: “We have addressed fundamental questions of security and immigration, but that cannot be enough” because “if we only talk about that, we will be miniaturized”. Choosing education, Valérie Pécresse assured that “the fight against dropping out of school will be the great cause of (his) five-year term” with “an examination at the entrance to 6th” and “the end of the single college”. “We must help the teachers” who “are victims of” no wave “,” she added, tackling “the dictatorship of a politically correct which is rewriting our history”.

For Xavier Bertrand “the school is a sanctuary”. And “when a child does not want to attend the course talking about the Shoah, it is the parents who must be summoned” because “this can be a sign of radicalization”, he added, assuring that he “Will not be the president of repentance.” “We must review the school programs, one of the goals of the school is to make people love France”, assured Philippe Juvin, while Eric Ciotti defended his idea of ​​a “Ministry of Instruction national “while the programs are according to him” in the process of drifting towards wokism “. “There is a stake of civilization” in front of the “ideology of wokism” which “wants to destroy the foundation of our national cohesion”, added Michel Barnier. Xavier Bertrand has chosen handicap for his carte blanche, promising “a great law” alongside a “great cause” dedicated to caregivers.

Known disagreements

This debate, which remained courteous, brought out some known disagreements, on blood rights, the number of officials or the sending of the army to neighborhoods, for example. But as the congress approached, the outcome of which is very uncertain, everyone was also trying to stand out from the 150,000 members called to vote. Michel Barnier, who left with the status of favorite but less comfortable in debate, praised his “energy” with a veiled tackle to his neighbor Xavier Bertrand.

“Energy is not agitation, (…), it is not speaking louder than others”, he said, before launching later on immigration: “Xavier Bertrand pretend not to understand! “While Eric Ciotti, defender of a very right-handed line, praised his” freedom to think “on” subjects prohibited by the left “, Valérie Pécresse played the card of synthesis:” I am doing the consensus with my proposal ”for migration quotas, she said. Xavier Bertrand has supported him on his program of authority and social right by summarizing, on immigration that he wants to limit: “I want to go fast!” “.

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