Scholz in the ARD summer interview: “The human element in the coalition works”

Status: 02.07.2023 5:00 p.m

His traffic light government has recently argued a lot, especially about the heating law. But the “human element in the coalition” works, said Chancellor Scholz ARD summer interview. With a view to the climate targets, he was confident. .

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has rejected criticism of the heating law, also with regard to the duration of the development process. “It had to be filed for so long,” said the SPD politician ARD summer interview of Report from Berlin. Now “land is in sight”. The legislative process is serious, he said with a view to the Union’s criticism of the schedule.

He does wish that some things would be discussed more quietly at traffic lights. But: “Humanity works in the coalition,” emphasized Scholz. And that’s a good basis. There is a lot of trust. “It’s always very friendly, even in long-term coalition committees.”

“We can achieve the climate goals”

Scholz did not accept criticism of the content of the heating law. “It was clear from the start that there would be a social balance,” he said. That was just not the subject of public perception because other things were discussed so intensively.

Scholz again pointed out the enormous challenges posed by the climate crisis and emphasized: “We want to achieve the climate goals and we can also achieve the goals. But we’re doing it in a way that the citizens can go along with,” he said with a look on the heating law.

Also at the request of ARD Capital Studio Manager Tina Hassel was convinced by Scholz that Germany will achieve the climate goals. And will play a pioneering role in the world.

Scholz doesn’t want to be John Wayne

The Chancellor is repeatedly accused of leadership weakness. Scholz did not accept that. He gives a lot of guidance, he said. The standard model for leadership that some people think is great is John Wayne. But that’s not how it works. “In fact, this is a family of three parties and over 80 million citizens who all have an opinion on all the issues of how we can win our future.” His job is to get everyone involved. Scholz warned against sensationalism and quick headlines.

When asked about the AfD’s high poll numbers, Scholz said: “There have always been right-wing populist bad mood parties, in Europe and also in Germany.” The recipe, however, is to offer good future prospects for the country. “And the question of respect.” So to ensure good cooperation. That would only work with a clear course. “This is what we do.”

In the subsequent online format “Ask yourself”, Scholz once again committed to basic child security. “The government has agreed that basic child security is coming.” He expects an agreement by the end of the summer break.

Traffic light goes into the second half

Chancellor Scholz and his traffic light government are entering the second half of the legislative period after the parliamentary summer break. It is hardly to be expected that it will be politically calmer than the first half, as the major challenges remain: dealing with the Russian war against Ukraine and its consequences, high inflation, the climate-friendly restructuring of the economy and society. Most recently, the three traffic light parties gave an increasingly divided picture, which led some, such as Economics Minister Robert Habeck, to self-criticism. SPD leader Lars Klingbeil also said with regard to the arguments in the traffic light about the heating law: “It was too much, it was too loud.”

Arguing, assigning blame, accusations, distrust – all of this is likely to have contributed to the fact that, according to surveys, satisfaction with the traffic light has fallen sharply. However, the largest opposition party, the CDU, can hardly benefit from this. The AfD, on the other hand, has high poll numbers.

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