Schloss Elmau is not the only luxury in this magnificent region

near Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Schloss Elmau is embedded in a beautiful region – and is not the only luxury here

Schloss Elmau: Here nature is not stingy with beauty

© Volker Preußer / Imago Images

The mighty of this world will soon be spending the night in Schloss Elmau. Olaf Scholz invites you to the G7 summit in Bavaria. In a top-class hotel that also has a lot to offer on all other days of the year.

By Michael Stoessinger and Judith Liere

Then it says: be careful, because this hotel plunges its visitors into deep conflicts! It’s almost impossible to decide where it’s nicer: inside by one of the fireplaces, on cozy armchairs, in the library, in the steaming brine pool, in the hammam?

Or outside in the picture book landscape between humpback meadows in front of the Wetterstein panorama with gurgling streams and footpaths to Lake Ferchen?

Further luxury can be found below Schloss Elmau

When they’re gone again, Scholz, Macron, Biden, the thousands of police officers and the kilometer-long wire mesh fence – then drive to the Elmautal. From Klais up the toll road, but then turn right below the castle. In the middle of a 130,000 square meter farmer’s meadow stands: “The Kranzbach”.

The luxury hotel Das Kranzbach in front of a wintry mountain backdrop

The luxury hotel Das Kranzbach in front of a wintry mountain backdrop

© imagebroker / Imago Images

A four star superior hotel reminiscent of a British country house. And the real estate agent saying: location, location, location. Wetterstein and Karwendel within reach.

And: “No tour groups, no weddings, no celebrations, no children under 10”. Mean? Nice!

Sources: The Kranzbach, Castle Elmau

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– Adventure Watzmann – the mountain with the highest face of the Eastern Alps

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