Scenes of jubilation, demonstrations, campaign headquarters… Send your most striking photos from previous elections

The presidential election is not every two days. It’s even every five years, since 2002. So it’s an event, and like every milestone, it comes with its share of memories. With a little luck (for us), it may even come with its own set of special or collector photos.

You see where we are coming from, we want, with you, to go back in time and immerse ourselves in the previous presidential elections in pictures. 2007, 2012, 2017, or even before. We would like you to send us your most striking photos from previous votes.

Moments of doubt, moments of joy… Send us your best presidential photos. On film, digital or smartphone, the most beautiful of them will be shared on our social networks and will be used to write an article. To participate, nothing could be simpler, just fill out the form below.

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