Scandal in Kurt Krömer’s TV show

HCurrent conversation with moderator Kurt Krömer: During an interview with comedian Faisal Kawusi, a small scandal broke out on the RBB program “Chez Krömer”. Krömer broke off the conversation several minutes before the end and left the stylized interrogation room. Then he said in front of the cameras: “Today is the day when I think (…) that I’ll go home and see if I might reconsider the concept.” Then he got up and left.

Joke about knockout drops

In the interview that is in the ARD media library is available, it was, among other things, an Instagram comment by Kawusi on the subject of knockout drops, a statement criticized as racist to the “Let’s Dance” juror Motsi Mabuse and a comedian’s tour poster commemorating the fatal 2020 arrest of George Floyd.

Kawusi stated that he was not racist and was not hostile to anyone else. The parents of the 31-year-old come from Afghanistan and came to Germany in 1989 as political refugees. Kawusi was born in Hesse in 1991. However, Kawusi was not able to get through to Krömer with his explanations. When asked, for example, whether the moderator didn’t want to invite people he didn’t hate, Krömer replied: “We only have assholes here, including you.” fuck off”. Since Kawusi did not follow the request, Krömer himself left. On the Twitch platform, where he maintains a channel, Kawusi said in response to the show that “this H-son” had arrived and presented himself “as a moralizer”.

In the show, produced by Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, celebrities and politicians ask Krömer’s questions, which are specifically aimed at confrontation and provocation. The guests included the former “Bild” editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt, the former Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), the former AfD party leader Frauke Petry, the former FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache, the rapper Bushido and the actor Kida Khodr Ramadan.

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