Scammers on the phone: Several cases in Markt Schwaben and Vaterstetten – Ebersberg

Fraudsters tried again at the weekend to get hold of people’s money in Vaterstetten and Markt Schwaben with shock calls. Several cases have been reported to the Poinger police. During the calls, it is claimed to the mostly older people that a close relative caused a fatal accident and that imprisonment could be averted by paying a large amount of money. According to police experience, cases of fraud via messenger services have also increased recently, and the perpetrators’ approach is often similar.

Here, those affected receive a Whatsapp message from an unknown cell phone number. It is suggested to you that your son or daughter has a new mobile phone and a new number due to a defect. After gaining trust in this way, the alleged son or daughter asks for bills to be paid.

The criminal police appeals to be very skeptical in such cases. It is recommended to reassure yourself before a transaction with the alleged recipients, for example in the form of a personal telephone conversation. Demands for the transfer or handing over of sums of money should not be accepted. If in doubt, call the police or, in urgent cases, dial the emergency number 110. It should also be checked whether it is really necessary to enter the telephone number in public directories.

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