Sberbank Europe close to bankruptcy… Brazil remains neutral…

3:35 am: Brazil remains neutral

Brazil decided not to decide. The country “will continue in neutrality” and will not “take sides” on Ukraine, has just declared Jair Bolsonaro. “We want peace, but we do not want to incur consequences here”, justified the president, also recalling that his country “depends a lot” on Russian fertilizers.

Jair Bolsonaro also assured that Brazil, current non-permanent member of the Security Council, had “actively” worked so that the resolution debated at the UN, blocked by the veto of Russia, does not contain the verb “condemn”. , which has been replaced by “deplore”.

Jair Bolsonaro had met Vladimir Putin two weeks ago during a visit to Russia. He then assured that his Russian counterpart was looking for “peace” and that Brazil stood in solidarity with any country seeking to resolve conflicts peacefully.

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