Saxony: State security investigates fake CDU election posters

State security investigates fake CDU election posters

Fake: A fake CDU election poster: Photo

© NEWS5/dpa

The Leipzig CDU sees itself as being associated with Islamist extremists through fake election posters. “Dare to have more of a caliphate!” is the slogan, referring to the CDU. State security is now investigating.

Unknown persons have found fake CDU election posters were circulated. State security is now investigating, a police spokeswoman told dpa. CDU district leader Andreas Nowak spoke of at least ten fake posters that had appeared in various parts of the city.

“But there are probably far more.” In reference to CDU posters in the current election campaign, the posters read “Leipzig. Unsafe. Make” and the slogan “Dare more caliphate!”

“We are outraged,” Nowak told the German Press Agency. “This puts our party in the same category as Islamist extremism.” The makers had gone to great lengths to recreate the look of the CDU posters in a very realistic way. Nowak viewed this as a copyright infringement. The whole thing was not a prank or satire, he stressed. Legal action would be taken against those responsible when they are found. According to him, the posters were first discovered on Saturday.

According to his knowledge, such fake posters have already appeared in other regions of Saxony – in the Chemnitz and Zwickau areas. Nowak called on citizens to report such forgeries if they see them in their neighborhood. The news portal Tag24 had previously reported on the case.


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