Saxony: Police announce transman after coming out – judgment made

“Fraudulent deception”: Saxon police want to terminate transman after coming out – verdict made

The Saxon police had released the young man for “malicious deception” because he had applied as a woman (symbol image)

© Florian Gaertner/ / Picture Alliance

Although the Saxon police knew that one of their candidates was seeking a sex change operation, he was fired. Since he had applied as a woman, the police spoke of a “malicious deception”.

When he applied to riot police headquarters, he was still a woman on paper. He got a training place and began his training at the Saxon Police College in Schneeberg in autumn 2020. A short time later, the police candidate is said to have informed his study group leader that he was aiming for gender reassignment. This is reported by the Sächsische Zeitung.

He was supposed to start an internship a year after the start of his apprenticeship – but things turned out differently: on the first day of his internship he was immediately informed of his dismissal. The reason given was that the young man “did not disclose important health data that is crucial for checking police fitness.”

Police speak of “malicious deception”

The police regret that the police candidate found out about his dismissal in this way and concede mistakes: “It is true that due to coordination difficulties or lack of information between the Legal, Personnel and PFS Schneeberg departments, Mr […] to our great regret, he was actually first sent to his internship office and confronted with the information there.”

Internal police papers speak of a “malicious deception”. However, they also show that this information was apparently known. “He has been living openly at school and in his free time as a boy since 2018,” it says.

Court orders police to reinstate man

His classmates wrote a letter to the school management. They were appalled by the dismissal of their “classmates, friends, classmates or simply colleagues”.

The police, however, refused to reinstate the young man. The case ended up before the Higher Administrative Court in Bautzen, which paved the way for him to return to a civil service career. The police must put the man on preparatory service and continue to pay his salary. The decision in the main proceedings is still pending at this point in time.

source: Saxon newspaper

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