Saxony: hostage-taking in Dresden city center ended – large-scale operation – panorama

According to the police, the alleged perpetrator is arrested injured, the hostages in the shopping center – an employee and a child – remain unharmed. The man is also said to have killed his mother.

A hostage-taking ended on Saturday afternoon in downtown Dresden. The alleged perpetrator was arrested injured, said the police. His hostages – an employee and a child – remained unharmed. Everything indicates that the man is mentally ill, said a spokesman. Other than that, the police were not aware of anything.

The hostage-taking apparently took place in the Altmarkt-Galerie in the center. Details – such as how many people are affected – have not yet been mentioned. Shortly before the end of the hostage-taking, it was said, you have telephone contact with the alleged hostage-taker. A special task force and the police negotiation group are also on site.

In the morning she also found a dead woman around 7.20 a.m. in an apartment building in Dresden-Prohlis, as she announced. The homicide is related to the operation in the city center. The suspect is the woman’s 40-year-old German son.

The police went on a large-scale operation. According to them, the area around the Altmarkt-Galerie shopping center was affected. The mall and adjacent areas are being evacuated. The Striezelmarkt will also remain closed. The entire city center was closed to public transport.

Radio Dresden also reports on an armed robbery in the Ammonhof, a commercial complex near the main train station. The Altmarkt-Galerie is a shopping center in downtown Dresden. It is named after Dresden’s Altmarkt, where the building is located.

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