Saved from the pan, an extremely rare blue lobster will be released into the sea

The story ends well. Caught at sea a few days ago off the coast of Vendée, a magnificent lobster was able to count on its originality to finally be saved. Seduced by its electric blue color, the fishmongers of Viviers de Noirmoutier tell on Facebook having done everything to save him from the pan when they spotted him, at the Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-vie fish market. “When my boss saw it, he didn’t think for long,” reports Clémentine Fortineau, communications manager for Viviers de Noirmoutier. He bought it at 55 euros per kilo, more expensive than the average price, and we then looked for a solution. »

After having photographed it from every angle, it was necessary to find a future for this female, whose color resulting from a “genetic modification” would concern “one case in one to two million”. The company called several aquariums before finally opting for freedom.

A zone prohibited for fishing

“We found, with the help of the tourist office of the island of Yeu, a prohibited fishing zone around the island to release her, so that she can live a long, peaceful and happy life, report the Viviers de Noirmoutier. We dare to hope that if she is drafted one day, she will be well-known enough to be released again! »

Before the big departure, scheduled for Wednesday, the company launched a call to Internet users to name the crustacean. And it seems that many of them have a crush on Saphir, Azur, or Blue.

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