Save money and find deals at Amazon’s Deal event

Recognize fraud and overpriced prices
Amazon Prime Day: think first, then buy – this is the only way to really save money

Amazon Prime Day offers some very good deals. But not every price is really hot.

© Steinach / Imago Images

Amazon Prime Day: The annual shopping event is in full swing and brings the company billions in sales. In fact, the savings potential for customers is extremely high – but not with every offer.

Alongside Black Friday, Amazon Prime Day is THE online shopping event of the year. And even if the name suggests otherwise, it is a multi-day shopping spree. But with the sheer endless mass of offers flying around the ears of interested parties on Amazon’s website, it’s easy to lose track. Also because sellers with fraudulent intentions court the favor of customers. star tells you how to keep track – and find the really good offers.

Prime Day price seems hot – but is it?

Two things are happening quickly these days: Trust in Amazon is so great that the asking price is considered the best bargain you can find on the internet. Worse still, merchants in the Amazon marketplace list goods for even less money, but they don’t always have good intentions.

You can find out whether Amazon’s prices are the absolute limit by looking at comparison portals. Take a look at for example Idealo or miserto see what other retailers charge for the same item. It can happen that competing online shops lower their prices again during the day – so always check the price immediately before ordering.

Also, keep in mind: To order on Prime Day, you need one Prime Membership. If you are not allowed to use the trial subscription, this is associated with costs that you must add to the final price.

There is plenty of time with Prime Day lightning deals

Of course, the price comparison also makes sense if it’s a lightning deal – although Amazon creates a certain amount of time pressure with this mechanism. This type of bargain is a time-limited offer with supposedly low stock levels. Don’t be discouraged and take a look at the comparison sites mentioned. But: In order to secure an item, you should first place it in the shopping cart. If you succeed, Amazon grants you 15 minutes to think about it. Enough to find out if it’s worth buying.

Be careful in the Amazon marketplace

As far as offers from other retailers are concerned: In general, only goods that are sold and shipped via Amazon are eligible for Prime Day offers. However, the example of the “Sony Pulse 3D” headset for the Playstation 5 shows that other shops are trying to undercut Amazon. The Prime Day price is 84.90 euros – the headset can also be found for 69.99 euros. But: The seller is completely unknown, has no ratings and is well below the official offer price. You should exercise caution with such lure offers. The old adage applies: “If an offer is too good to be true, then it probably is.”

Cancel the Prime subscription in good time

Unless you have the many benefits of a Amazon Prime Membership do not need it, you should definitely remember to send the notice of termination in good time. Thanks to the EU, this can now be done with just a few clicks. in the Prime membership menu of your account find a quick and easy way to cancel immediately or at your next billing cycle.

How to spot false reviews on Amazon

Even on chaotic days like Prime Day, it can be assumed that the purchase will be based on ratings. But here, too, a second look can be worthwhile. Because even if Amazon claims to make every effort to sort out false reviews, there are still many products that are unjustly praised in the sky.

The mail-order company, on the other hand, only comes up to a limited extent, because many reviews actually come from real customers – but were “bought” so to speak, since many products come with a promise of vouchers that can be redeemed by submitting a positive review.

So take a look at the reviews – and read the bad ones too. A few more tricks: Very long reviews can be a warning signal, because the manufacturers know that nobody likes to read them and then settle for five stars without looking too closely. Particularly flowery stories, mostly apart from the product, are also conspicuous ingredients for a dishonest product evaluation.

Insight into the gigantic Amazon warehouse: where self-propelled shelves sort your goods

Get a balanced picture, look for top reviewers and particularly helpful ratings. If a conclusion seems credible to you, but the author does not, click on his name to check what else the person wrote. If someone focuses too much on products from a single manufacturer, your traffic light should turn red.

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