Sauerlach: Lederhosen in surfer style – district of Munich

It doesn’t matter which clichés you have in mind about someone who sells lederhosen: Michael Thalhammer doesn’t correspond to any of them. With the Sauerlacher, the pants are allowed to slip off the hips and are even tattooed.


Michael Morosow, Sauerlach

How can you imagine a person who calls his shop “Brandner und Kneißl” and sells lederhosen in it? Whatever cliché you have in mind, Michael Thalhammer does not correspond to any. The man is tattooed from neck to toe, doesn’t wear a hat with a chamois beard but a cap and his world isn’t the mountains but the sea, which has always magically attracted the enthusiastic surfer. Anyone who enters his shop in Sauerlach can literally feel the balancing act between the Aloha feeling and the whistle of the groundhog, the coexistence of which is also the credo of the businessman. The 45-year-old married father of a “pubescent daughter” has brought this to a common denominator in the label “Aloha Bavaria”, which is supposed to stand for “Bavarian serenity with a cool, cosmopolitan Bavarian surf style”. His own leather pants, for example, are decorated with a Polynesian with a surfboard, applied using a branding process that he has patented. He does not want to say many words about it, except that a thousand degrees of heat are necessary. The rest is trade secrets.

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