Saudi Arabia – Formula 1 sticks to races despite missile attack – Sport

Formula 1 wants to hold the Grand Prix in Saudi Arabia in Jeddah as planned. Despite the rocket attack by Yemeni Houthi rebels on a facility belonging to the energy giant Aramco near the track, the bosses of the racing series are sticking with the second round of the season. “The program of the race weekend will take place as planned,” confirmed the Saudi Motorsport Company shortly after the shock at Friday practice. The fire at the oil factory of Formula 1 main sponsor Aramco was visible from afar during the night.

The war that Saudi Arabia is waging against the Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen has suddenly come very close to the racing series. Saudi Arabia has long been criticized for the conflict that triggered one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes of the moment. The organizers announced that all necessary measures would be taken to ensure the safety of the race. “We are delighted to be able to welcome the fans to a weekend of high-class motorsport and entertainment,” the statement said.

“We have received assurances that this place is safe,” said World Federation chief Mohammed Ben Sulayem. This was preceded by urgent talks with security authorities and the Saudi government. “We were assured that we are protected here,” said Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff. So it was unanimously decided to continue.

Races in Saudi Arabia have been criticized before

But obviously it wasn’t that easy. The drivers discussed what had happened late into the night. A larger number of the pilots are said to have expressed serious concerns about safety. Formula 1 managing director Stefano Domenicali and sports director Ross Brawn discussed longer with the drivers, later team bosses came back. There was even talk of a possible boycott before the pilots were persuaded to continue driving. “It’s not normal,” said Red Bull Motorsport Director Helmut Marko.

The guest appearance in Saudi Arabia was criticized beforehand. The kingdom is accused of serious human rights violations. The country just executed 81 people in a single day. World champion Lewis Hamilton described the reports of Saudi human rights violations as “elusive”.

The sport took a backseat to Friday’s chilling images. Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc was the fastest in practice, closely followed by Red Bull driver Max Verstappen. For qualifying on Saturday (6 p.m. / Sky), another close duel between world championship leader Leclerc and world champion Verstappen for pole position is expected. But most of the conversations in the paddock are initially about completely different topics.

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