Saudi Arabia calls on Disney to remove ‘LGBT+ reference’

Saudi Arabia has asked Disney to remove “LGBT+ references” from Marvel’s latest film before it can be shown in theaters in the ultra-conservative kingdom, a Saudi official said on Monday. The censorship demanded relates to one of the scenes of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”, which is scheduled for release in early May.

In this scene, which lasts “barely 12 seconds”, lesbian superheroine America Chavez refers to her “two moms”, said Nawaf Al-Sabhan, head of film classification in Saudi Arabia. “It’s just LGBT+ references. She talks about her moms, because she has two moms. And in the Middle East, it’s very difficult to get something like that through,” he said.

Punishable by capital punishment

According to him, the American entertainment giant Disney has so far replied “not wishing” to make the requested deletions. “There is no reason to ban the film. It’s just a modification… So far they have refused. But we haven’t closed the door. We keep trying,” he said.

Homosexuality is an offense potentially punishable by death in Saudi Arabia, which applies a very strict interpretation of Islamic law, even if the kingdom has undertaken social reforms in recent years. Under the impetus of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the conservative Gulf monarchy has opened up to entertainment and major world events, but political and social restrictions remain very strong. In 2017, authorities lifted the cinema ban.

Other films concerned

Other Marvel films had been in Saudi Arabia’s sights. According to the specialized American newspaper HollywoodReporter, “The Eternals”, which features a gay couple, had prompted requests for changes from several Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia. Disney had refused and the film was ultimately not screened in the kingdom.

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