Satoshi Quest: Introducing a new NFT collection, adding various in-game features.

Venture Studio Cryptomerialabs Today announced the release of the first NFT collection, “Satoshi Quest,” with enhanced gameplay and story features such as laser eyes and more.

The storyline reads, “This year is 2058 and marks the 50th anniversary of Satoshi Nakamoto’s launch of the Bitcoin White paper and received an unexpected message from Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcointalk forum account. This message was spotted by just four people. Only people from all over the world.”

Satoshi Quest is the Quest of four heroes as they hunt for clues about Satoshi’s identity. Unfortunately, these clues are shattered and scattered across four planets. By 2058, humans have taken over. small area parts of the galaxy

The Satoshi Quest card features four heroes: geek, freak, hacker, and slacker, and four locations: Earth, an orbiting sky city, Moon and Mars. along with the clue pieces they found there. Each hero has different skill levels such as Hide, Treasure Hunter, Crime Cracker and Genius.

Each card can be upgraded. By matching two cards with the same skill and the same clue piece. Then these fragments will unlock various hints. which those hints will appear on the card Clues about Satoshi’s identity will be published to the project’s website upon unlocking the card.

Additionally, players who own a Godlike Genius hero can try to unlock one of three cards. One of the three cards will “expose” the Satoshi.

The first player to unlock these cards. Funds from Initial sale are awarded based on initial sale funds. Funds from Initial sale are kept for future projects and events. This includes various competitions in the system.

Each card also has rare attributes such as different facial features. Suitable for those who like to collect without knowing the gameplay and story part of the card. [time] Each 6,000 Satoshi Quest collectible cards cost 0.08 ETH, and sales start at [date] on the day [key details if relevant]

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* Satoshi’s ‘exposing’ is purely fictional.

Cryptomerialabs It is a venture studio focused on building its own metaverse world. Its main strategy is to develop home-grown NFT projects such as Satoshi Quest and strategic investments in promising ventures.

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