Sardinia: Nudist Wedding on the Beach – Travel

“Yes I do!” – One would think that the significance of a wedding promise alone should be enough for the day of it to remain in the memory of those involved. Whether they will be good or bad memories, well, that remains to be seen.

Some couples still seem to want to play it safe and prefer to go the extra mile. So that this date stands out from the everyday monotony and is engraved in the long-term memory for all time. Wedding room with dried flowers in the town hall, second floor? How unromantic! No, it has to be spectacular, unique, forever. And with a photo-worthy backdrop, of course.

You can have the most amazing things organized on land, sea and air; you can get married on a parasailing flight in Florida, in a hot air balloon in Italy and on a roller coaster in Japan. In the Maldives there are wedding ceremonies underwater, but if you have a smaller wallet you can alternatively dive into a leisure pool in Rheinbach near Bonn to say “yes” or give the “yes” finger sign. Helicopter weddings can be booked in Las Vegas. And in New Zealand, immediately after taking their wedding vows, couples can plunge into the depths together on a bungee cord in their ceremonial attire, certainly a first – and perhaps a last – test of their relationship. There are also said to be waiting lists for a wedding in space.

:Twelve particularly beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean

White sand or wild rocks, green dunes and always turquoise blue: these beaches are worth a visit – whether in Spain, Croatia, Israel or Greece.

From the SZ editorial team

A classic dream wedding is the celebration on the beach, with sand under your feet and the sound of the sea in your ears (“Huh? It’s so loud here, have you said ‘yes’ yet?”) while the sun sets on the horizon. On In Sardinia, this may soon happen in the most brutally honest form possible – namely naked.

The municipality of San Vero Milis on the west coast of the Italian island wants to offer civil weddings on the nudist beach “Is Benas” in the future. The relevant council resolution is currently being drawn up, Mayor Luigi Tedeschi is quoted in the Italian media. A German couple wanted a nude wedding, and the mayor is convinced that it could become more: He speaks of an “important opportunity for the development of active and ecologically sustainable tourism.” The affair is also extremely sustainable for the couples, as they save themselves having to purchase items of clothing that they will never wear again after the celebration.

However, you and your guests will have to refrain from a handful of sand or a shell as a souvenir of the celebration on the beach: this is strictly forbidden in Sardinia, in the spirit of ecologically sustainable tourism. Even the Foreign Office has included a corresponding warning in its travel advice: On the island, “any kind of modification of the sandy beaches or the taking of sand, pebbles or quartz rock, even in small quantities, is prohibited by law.” There is a risk of penalties of up to 3,000 euros. And the excuse that the grains of sand accidentally leaked into your pocket on the beach – well, that’s unlikely to work for nude weddings.

The author wonders whether nudist brides and grooms are actually allowed to wear rings. (Photo: Bernd Schifferdecker (illustration))

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