Sarah Knappik: Separated from Baby Marly due to Corona

Sarah Knappik
Separated from Baby Marly due to Corona

Sarah Knappik was infected with the corona virus.

© imago images / DeFodi

The former “GNTM” candidate Sarah Knappik had Corona. Because of the infection, she was away from her daughter Marly for two weeks.

On January 3rd, Sarah Knappik (35) reported back to her fans on Instagram after a long period of radio silence and told a story that she and her little daughter Marly had been infected with the corona virus. Told in an interview with RTL the former “Germany’s next top model” candidate now that she was separated from her baby for 14 days because of the infection.

When Knappik was infected, she brought Marly, who was born in spring 2021, to her mother. Shortly afterwards she found out that the little one had also been infected. The model could not be with his child for two weeks. “If I tell you, I could cry right away. It really sucks,” explains Knappik.

Sarah Knappik experienced a “nightmare”

This time was a “nightmare” for the 35-year-old. “I just cried,” says the model. It is “the worst that a mother can go through” when her own child is sick. However, Knappik’s mom took care of the little one: “I love my mother more than anything. She is my guardian angel. That she took care of my child so much.”

“You haven’t heard from me for a long time because Corona brought me out of my life”, Knappik had previously told in her Instagram stories. Despite the vaccination, it had “a really shitty course”. The model has recovered, but all of this has left its mark. […] The coronavirus is the devil. I tell you. “


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